Social Networking Clarification

Walsall Junior Youth Football League
Season 2024/25
Social Networking Clarification
Link to downloadable Social Networking Clarification
The internet and social networking sites can be a very powerful tool and can be used in a very positive and rewarding way. However, it can also be open to misuse and abuse. It is important that clubs make sure that people within the club understand how to use social media correctly to promote safe practices for young people or vulnerable adults.
The FA has issued clarification to participants relating to the use of social networking sites, including, but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and internet blogs. This Information can be found within the FA directory which can be accessed by the link below.
Clubs and leagues should appoint appropriate adults to monitor the content of their websites and social media platforms. They should have an understanding of both the technology used and of safeguarding.
You are advised to moderate your web pages on a daily basis where possible. Clubs and leagues are responsible for ensuring all content hosted on their websites, social network areas and any associated message boards or blogs abide by the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association.
Participants should be aware that comments made on such sites may be considered public comment, and that further to FA Rule E3, any comments which are deemed improper, bring the game into disrepute, or are threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting may lead to disciplinary action.
It is against FA rules to post comments that are or maybe conceived as:
Any other reference that may cause offense or harm to other, Any such comment made on club or league websites and/or social networking sites regarding officials may result in disciplinary action being taken in line with The FA’s Disciplinary policies and procedures.
Comments made on websites that are threatening abusive or racist could lead to legal action being taken against those responsible for posting or hosting them. Comments made may attract libel claims and legal action through the civil courts if they are untrue or defamatory.
Likewise, players and club officials who make any comments on their own personal social media platforms that breach the above guidance may find themselves subject to FA disciplinary actions.