Enough is Enough
Report Hate

You can help us protect the game
When you do your part by reporting hate, we can do ours.
As a League Official with responsibilities in grassroots football, you’ll know well how hate at matches can ruin the experience for others. Too often:
• Your league’s clubs’ reputations can be damaged by poor behaviour at matches.
• Referees’ ability to officiate in safety can be compromised.
• Spectators abuse referees, players, coaches and other spectators.
We’re asking you and everyone in grassroots football – including players, spectators and coaches – to report racist, sexist, homophobic, violent and abusive behaviour to us every time it happens.
Only when we know it’s happened can we take the tough action needed to remove hate, with sanctions that include:
• Deducting points
• Banning players
• Even closing grounds

Reporting is working
Last season, The FA handed out 5,510 match bans for discrimination, bans of 55,075 for abusing referees, and charged offenders on 63% of reports. This season, we’ll continue to do everything we can to remove hate and protect the game.

The FA

Kick It Out

Your County FA

Tell a Referee
Your support is hugely appreciated. Spread the word, let everyone know…