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Cup Competition Rules

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Walsall Junior Youth Football League


Season 2024/25

Cup Competition Rules in collaboration with FA & League Rules

Link to downloadable Cup Competition Rules

1. The Management Committee shall decide each season which sections of the League shall compete for the various Cup Competitions, whether any or all matches in any competition are to be played on a straight knockout, home and away or sectional league basis.

2. The League Cup Coordinator will contact the Clubs to return the Cups/Shields. A fine in accordance with the Fines Tariff will be imposed if this request is not adhered to. Should the Cup/Shield be lost, destroyed, or damaged by fire or any other cause whilst under the care or custody of the club, the club shall refund to the League the amount of its current insured value or the cost of thorough repair, in addition to any other penalty which the League Management Committee may impose.

3. The registration of players for Cup competitions shall be in accordance with the procedure for League matches as detailed in FA and League Rule 18. No player shall play for more than 1 Club in each competition during any one season. Only players, who have played (including having played as a nominated substitute) in an earlier round of the competition as well as played in the league for a minimum of 3 matches (1 match for Mini-Soccer) can play in the Semi-Final and only players eligible for the Semi-Final can play in the Final.

4. Players registered or re-registered after the quarter final (or equivalent match if there is not a quarter final) of the qualifying Cup/Shield competition are not eligible to compete. Semi-finalists cannot have a BYE into the final if a team has withdrawn from the League or has been excluded, the team who were knocked out of the previous round will be allowed to play in their place, unless there are any exceptional circumstances and by order of the League Management Committee in the best interests of the competition.

5. Clubs playing unregistered or ineligible players shall be disqualified from the competition and/or otherwise dealt with as the Management Committee may determine. This clause shall include the power to award the match to the opposing club, or to order a game to be replayed as the Management Committee may consider appropriate in the circumstances.

6. In all Cup ties leading up to the final, expenses shall be shared equally by both the competing teams i.e. pitch hire and Referee fees. Pitch fees must not exceed £50 (£25 per team) and only paid if additional pitch charges are being incurred by the home team for the Cup tie. In Cup finals unless otherwise instructed by the Management Committee, payment of Officials and ground fees shall be the responsibility of the League.

7. Approximately 2 weeks before the Cup Final, the finalists shall be contacted via email by the League Cup Coordinator with details of the event. Clubs will be required to submit the names of players eligible to play in the Cup Final (16 players only), Club Logo, Coaches details and kit colours by the specified date. All players will be checked for eligibility on the FA PRS and Full-Time systems and Clubs will be notified if there are any anomalies.

8. Clubs/Managers are responsible for checking FA and League cup rules, checking with their affiliated County FA and/or on PRS for details of current suspensions/players who are cup tied and report any anomalies to the Chair and the Cup Coordinator at least 10 days prior to the cup final event. Clubs/Managers are required to read WJYFL Social Media and Image Policy and the League Cup Competitions Rules and bring any issues to the League Chair and League Cup Coordinator prior to the Cup Final event.

9. At all Cup Finals registration documentation for each player (a hard copy downloaded from the PRS) is required to be submitted to the Management Committee for checking prior to the game’s commencement. Any player found to have a discrepancy in their registration will not take part in the final or any further games until it has been corrected to the satisfaction of the competition. The competing clubs shall provide any information required by the Competition to enable a match programme for the final to be prepared.

10. If a player taking part in the final tie is ordered to leave the field of play for serious misconduct, the medal to which they may have been entitled may be withheld at the discretion of the members of the League Committee who are present at the match.

11. In the case of a colour clash BOTH teams shall change unless they mutually agree on their colours and advise the League Cup Coordinator prior to the game. Clubs violating FA and League Rule 18 and/or any other of these rules as a result of this clause shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions in these rules.

12. In knockout matches (all rounds) in the event of a draw at full time, the game will be decided by a penalty kick competition in accordance with FA Rules. Ties must be played as per fixture list and any team failing to fulfil any Cup or Shield fixture shall for knockout competitions be ruled out of that competition and fined as per Appendix 1.

13. Entry Fee for All Cup Finals will be at the discretion of the Management Committee. In all other respects the conditions of all other League Rules shall apply to Internal Cup and Shield match. If a Competition is discontinued for any reason a trophy or any other presentation shall be returned to the Donor if the conditions attached to it so provide or, if not, dealt with as the sanctioning Association may decide.

14. The League awards medals to players for up to 2 cup competitions and 2 league competitions for each age group. Mini group Competitions of less than 6 games do not qualify for individual medals.

15. To ensure that cup competitions are played to meet the dates of the Cup Final event, no earlier rounds of the cup can be postponed for any reason and must be played on the allocated dates. Failure to comply with this, the Management Committee will have the power to exclude team/s from the Cup competition and apply further sanctions which may include a fine in accordance with the fines tariff. Eligibility of players for Cup fixtures that are postponed for any reason including by venue and/or League, will remain as per the original fixture date.

Walsall Junior Youth Football League

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